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Welcome to Safe Haven VR


Welcome to Safe Haven VR - Pioneering a Kinder Approach to Pediatric Healthcare. At Safe Haven VR, we're not just a startup; we're a team with a vision to gently transform children's experiences during medical visits, from dental check-ups to hospital stays.

About us

Our Commitment to Healthcare Providers:

We understand the challenges healthcare providers face in maintaining a calm and controlled environment. That's why Safe Haven VR is designed to seamlessly integrate into existing workflows, ensuring a smoother, safer, and more efficient procedure for both practitioners and patients. Our technology aims to minimize patient distress, reducing the likelihood of challenging situations that can impact the success of medical procedures.

Tech with a Touch of Compassion:

Our VR/AR system draws on diverse mental health treatments and research. It's not just about immersion; it's about providing a comforting, adjustable experience that respects patient autonomy. Whether in an ambulance, a cancer ward, or a dental clinic, our technology is there to ease anxiety and pain for patients of all ages and conditions.

Collaboration is Key:

We're looking for dedicated professionals to join our journey. We need the insight of optometrists experienced with IPD in VR, principal investigators, neuroscientists, Unreal engine developers, 3D printing specialists, and seasoned CDOs. Your expertise will help shape Safe Haven VR into a solution that stands to make a profound difference globally.

An Invitation to Innovators:

We're looking for dedicated professionals to join our journey. We need the insight of optometrists experienced with IPD in VR, principal investigators, neuroscientists, Unreal engine developers, 3D printing specialists, and seasoned CDOs. Your expertise will help shape Safe Haven VR into a solution that stands to make a profound difference globally.

Contact Information

If you're interested in contributing to this compassionate venture, please reach out. We value every perspective that can help us improve and expand our impact


We need big hearts and helping hands: 

Unreal Engine Developer/Programmers:
Specialists in creating simulations with Unreal Engine, crucial for realistic VR/AR environments in healthcare.

UI/UX Designers for VR/AR
Expertise in VR/AR interface design, ensuring user-friendly and engaging interactions.


General Practitioners (GPs)/Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Provide essential insights into integrating SafeHavenVR in clinical settings, enhancing patient care.

Psychologists/Psychiatrists (Pediatric Focus)
Key in understanding and addressing young patients' mental and behavioral health needs.

Public Health Professionals
Offer valuable perspectives on population health, preventive strategies, and community health initiatives, including health and safety in VR/AR.

Healthcare Administrators
Integral for understanding how to integrate VR/AR technology operationally and logistically in healthcare facilities.


Medical Researchers
Crucial for incorporating the latest scientific findings into VR/AR healthcare applications.

Navigate ethical considerations of VR/AR in pediatric healthcare, ensuring responsible use.

Health Informatics Specialists
Expertise in healthcare technology, data, and EHR systems, pivotal for AI integration in VR/AR solutions.

Social Workers
Provide insights into social health determinants and patient support, vital for VR/AR technology in healthcare.

Medical Laboratory Scientists/Technicians
Offer important perspectives on diagnostics and laboratory testing, enhancing clinical understanding for VR/AR applications.

Health Policy Experts
Provide feedback on healthcare policies, shaping pediatric VR/AR tech development in compliance with regulations.
Alternative Medicine Practitioners
Offer insights from integrative health disciplines, enriching VR/AR healthcare projects with diverse approaches.

Be The Exception

As we forge ahead in refining our prototypes, we acknowledge the pivotal role that synergy plays in advancing the management of pediatric discomfort and overall "dis-ease." Our foremost objective is to mitigate the spectrum of challenges faced by young patients – from physical pain and trauma to deep-seated anxieties and phobias.

SafeHaven VR/AR is fervently scouting for allies, ranging from healthcare professionals and scholarly researchers to innovators in the realms of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Our collective ambition is to redefine and revolutionize the perception and treatment of pediatric pain.

Our vision is to fundamentally change the pediatric pain treatment landscape, smoothing the path for therapy sessions and making hospital stays more tolerable and compassionate. This transformative approach hinges on harnessing cutting-edge VR technology, including VR goggles, to create fully immersive experiences that offer not just distraction but genuine pain relief.

We cordially invite those who are zealous about making a profound difference in the lives of pediatric patients – from the voiceless infants to teenagers wrestling with intense trauma and anxiety. Our commitment to this mission is unyielding, as evidenced by our collaborations with AR/XR program developers to forge the safest "immersive world" possible. This commitment extends to working closely with optometrists to ensure the right implementation of "interpupillary distance" (IPD) adjustments and appropriate filters, thereby addressing concerns like eye strain, a common side effect of prolonged VR use.

Our interdisciplinary discussions are centered around empowering children to navigate their pain and anxiety. This is achieved by integrating our state-of-the-art technology with open-loop feedback mechanisms. Our device is engineered to be more than a mere diversion; it is a holistic tool that blends established mental health practices, backed by a multitude of PubMed trials. It represents an ethical and efficacious route towards sustained wellness and joy.

A key element of our immersive programs includes engaging visuospatial tasks. These are carefully designed to act as a 'cognitive shield', interrupting the formation of vivid and intrusive memories. By engaging the brain's visual and spatial processing faculties, these tasks can impede the reconsolidation of distressing memories, thus lessening their emotional impact and frequency. This approach is supported by research on immersive experiences, highlighting how such tasks can markedly assist in managing distress and acute pain.

We are pioneering a future where pain management for each child is tailor-made, reimagining their healthcare journey to be not just endurable but also conducive to their long-term psychological and emotional well-being. This future is underpinned by the synergistic efforts of medical students and professionals engaged in medical training, using virtual and augmented reality as transformative tools in healthcare.

SafeHaven VR/AR stands at the forefront of this endeavor, championing VR distraction techniques and advanced VR technology as integral components of pediatric care. Our commitment to innovation, safety, and empathy positions us to make a significant impact in the realm of pediatric pain management, offering a beacon of hope for countless young patients.

Tel:  870-745-5011           
Justin Withrow 
75 Riverfront Dr. 
Little Rock, AR. 72114
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